As an artist and photographer who shoots Senior sessions, I oftentimes have to walk a fine line between wanting to push the envelope with my imagery and creating something that is widely accepted by the parents. Not everyone is up for getting all “artsy-fartsy”, nor are they willing to spend the time to create something so uniquely genuine to their son or daughter that it makes the photographer speechless. This photo session did all the above…and then some.
“A 17 year old girl loves every photo of herself. I’d say you kicked ass. Kudos.” – Mom
Thank you to Ahlissa and Scott for trusting me to capture this important time in Cameron’s life, and, more importantly, for collaborating and making these images come to life. Thank you, Cameron, for being yourself. I believe the true YOU shows through in these images. I consider these as close to Degas’ Ballerina paintings as I will ever get to. They are, by far, some of my all-time favorite portraits I have taken in my career.
Here are just a few of my favorites…

And that smile, on the very last photograph taken, kills me.
#seniorphotosessions #seniorsessions #seniorphotographer#localdetroitphotographer #brettjlawrencephoto #stealingpixels